Jun 9, 2007

Schönbrunn Tiergarten (Zoo) and Labyrinth

On Saturday MA, Henrik, and I decided to go back to Schönbrunn to see the zoo and try out the labyrinth. When we first arrived we went hiking so I could show them all the fountains and other things I've already shown you. At the far back corner of the property we found this random building. There were shuttered doors on three sides, and odd diagonal windows. Anyone have any idea what it is? We were thinking a gate house, but then why would it need to be so tall?After our hike we decided to check out the labyrinth. There are actually two labyrinths and one maze, all of which were a bit disappointing. The maze was by far the best, because at the center was a elevated platform around a huge tree, with a great view of the maze below and the main fountain.
After the labyrinth we went to the Tiergarten (Zoo, directly translating as 'animal garden', just like how Kindergarten translates to 'children garden'). The Schönbrunn zoo is the oldest in the world, founded in 1540, with some of the oldest sections dating back to 1752. This original zoo had a large central pavilion surrounded by a ring of 13 cages. One of the original 13 cages can be seen in the zebra picture.Found this random sculpture by the penguin exhibit. The zoo has a tropical house complete with colourful birds, and giant bats called "Flying Foxes" with 6ft wingspans hanging from the roof.
Outside the tropical house we see the endangered backhoe in its natural habitat of crumbled concrete and chain-link fencing.

The zoo has a large collection of pelicans. Did anyone else know that they were huge birds? I was shocked that they were so large, apparently they can have wingspans of 3.5m (11.5ft)!
The 'toddler' elephant named Abu looks cute, but I later learned that he's a murderer! In 2005 he rolled over on and crushed his caretaker.
More random animals:
The saddest, baldest, most pathetic looking camel I've ever seen.After Schönbrunn we went out for pasta then came home and crashed. Too much time walking in the sun for this lazy Canadian.


Jess said...

cutest murderer ever!

Megan Reilly said...

That building is clearly the place they used to keep the princesses in and it's so tall because they would need to let down their hair for princes the rescue them... duh!!!!!! It's nice to hear you're hanging out alot with your new friends... I was getting worried there for a while that you were spending too much time alone. Please take pictures of them so I can match faces with names.

PS. Posting your phone number was a dangerous move... I will be calling, whahahahahaha

Allison H. said...

I agree, pictures of friends! And I'd like to see the nightlife in Vienna/Budapest....enh?