May 18, 2007

My Crazy Day and My Room

Today I had planned to finish all my paperwork, however I forgot to take into account the fact that it is impossible to get anything done in Vienna on holidays, weekends, or weekdays for that matter. As I had today off I decided to sleep in. I got up at 10:30, ate breakfast, and checked the address of the immigration office. To my horror I saw that the weekday office hours are 8:00-12:00, and it was on the other side of town! I took the U-Bahn to the immigration office. After standing in line for 30min feeling like I just got off the boat at Ellis Island from the Old World, I finally found an English employee at 11:50. As it turns out, I needed some more information from work so the fact that I only had 10min to meet with her was the least of my problems. Ok, so I'd failed to complete one of my tasks, on to the next one.

In Vienna you need to register with the police. I had my forms all filled out, and all I needed was a signature from the Residence Landlord whom I ran past this morning on my way to the immigration office. Not surprisingly, when I got back to residence at 12:30, he had gone home for the weekend! So, one more task failing to materialize.

A bit annoyed, I decided to go to the bank to get an account. To my delight, when I arrived at 12:35, it had just closed for lunch. Ah! At 1:30 I went back and, by speaking some good Deutschlish (the German equivalent to Frenglish) and pointing to forms a lot, I got my bank account! Yay!

This put me in a good mood, so I decided that I had enough determination to find the library again and take out some English books. When I arrived at the library, I had to track down the foreign language section, which had 3 shelves of English books! I picked out an Stephen King novel and Treasure Island, paid my 3 Euro membership and signed out the books. As I mentioned yesterday, the library is a very cool building covered in stairs. I decided to sit in the sun and read some Treasure Island. Here's the view from where I sat to read.

The fabric canopy is covering the Library street-car station. Here's looking up at the library café from the same location:
After reading for about 30min, I walked down the front to get a good picture of the whole building, then walked home through the twisting streets to see more of the city.

I know you're all curious about my room, so here's the quick tour. This is my bed where I sleep, eat and watch TV.
This next picture gives you a sense of the size of our room. The window looks out onto the courtyard in the center of the building which is now a parking lot and small garden.
This picture is looking from the main room into the little entrance room which has a little bar fridge, a sink and closets.
Alright, that's it for now, but I'll be sure to start taking more photos, makes the whole blog a little more interesting.


Jess said...

I am very proud of you for taking pictures!
It looks awesome. You better be taking more right now.

Megan Reilly said...

Your room looks exactly like the dorn rooms at Carleton University. I guess a dorm room is the same where ever you go!

Mom said...

Joe...I am interpreting your blog for Oscar.

You need some hangers.
Great pix so far..any of roommate?
I will send u some Febreeze.

Love mom

tarah said...

cool pics! hope you are having fun!
much love

Megan Reilly said...

ummm... you haven't blogged in 4 days... this is unexceptable. Seriously.

Love Megan